I had been looking forward to getting into Bangkok (BKK) as I always love big cities but was a little apprehensive as some Canadians told me BKK almost made them loose there faith in mankind. After a day I loved it and realised that I haven’t really had faith in humanity for a while so it didn’t bother me. Got a bit over excited and spent 4 days and too much money in the shopping malls and learning the bus and transport systems. After meeting up with Beth and a few nights in BKK I made my way to Cambodia to meet my parents for their two week holiday. I decided not to take the packages from Khao San road known as the scam bus but instead do it independently, slightly more expensive but more comfortable, less scams, less hassle and you actually get into Siem Reap in time to pick your one hotel. With one night before my parents arrived I checked into a guest house where Bry and Tish were staying (friends from London), spent the night with them and then checked into my parents hotel and awaited there arrival in the gym. When they arrived we had a good meal out and spent the next 3 days exploring Angkor Wat which is truly amazing but you can’t help but think how much more amazing is was when it was discover by the French. Rather than go to the beaches in Cambodia as they are not meant to be all that, we decided we would go to southern Lao instead. We headed to Phnom Penh to get our Lao visas and for the obligatory trip to the killing fields. I was shocked at how little I new of such recent history. As other people said the fields them selves were not that powerful but the museum was tough, just standing there looking into the eyes of endless photos of children, men and women and seeing fear, confusion or defiance. With our visas in hand we started out on our trip towards the Lao border. First day of traveling was a long one with the bus taking an extra 6 hours than planed due to a stuck truck ahead.
The next day we got up early to go take a boat trip a little way up the Mekong to see the rare fresh water Irrawaddy dolphins. I was a little skeptical we would see any but I was wrong and we watched them for over half an hour. After lunch we got a bus to the next town which we left early the next morning to get a mini bus to the border and them on to the 4000 islands. We arrived on Don Det the busiest of the islands (back packer wise) hired bikes and cycles to the less busy Dong Khon where we stayed for 2 nights in floating houses, cycling around the islands looking at big rapids and trying not to get washed away by the current. Moving on we headed by boat to the bigger but still very quiet Dong Khong, where we stayed for the night before heading for the Bolaven Plateua. We made it to the waterfall resort in good time. We got a villa at the resort with views of the top of the water fall. We spent the next day walking between waterfalls and attempting to swim in them. We had one more night at the resort and head to Pakse by pick up truck with the locals the next morning. In Pakse I had a decision to make; back to Thailand or stay in Lao for a bit to avoided another Thai visa run. After hearing that the monsoon had hit I realised that I needed to get to south Thailand fast so took up my parents offer to fly me with them back to BKK, wouldn’t have taken them up for connivance alone but it meant I got to spend two more full days with them. So I took the first flight of the trip, it seamed wrong but as I had already made it to Bangkok by land the trip is not really broken. For a treat we had our last night at the Millennium Hilton which was stunning. Seeing my parents off, giving them all my cold weather stuff and flying had made the trip shift in my mind from traveling to a holiday and I was looking forward to my last 2 months relaxing and partying. I was sad to see them go and half expecting to get on the flight with them to return home, I decided I should do one weekend night in Bangkok and after checking in to my guest house I got ready and headed into town.
Had a great nigh out and met some Thais that took me out the next few nights as well. Now writing this up on Ko Tao the first proper beach stop of my trip.